
Thursday, February 17, 2011

5 Powerpoint Presentation Tips

Below are some thoughts I have about using PowerPoint. As most of you know I am not shy about sharing my dislike of PowerPoint. It is the most widely used presentation tool, and that may be part of the reason why I find more people misusing and otherwise abusing it.

5. It's the content that matters! Never forget the reason you are presenting. Its to provide information, sell, or convince. The content of your presentation is the most important part. PowerPoint can only help or hinder that content delivery.

4. Don't stress colors and font choices. A lot of people way to much time concerned with the colors and fonts of their slides. Make a choice and stick with it. Spend more time practicing your presentation so you are not worrying about your speech.

3. Use the least amount of text possible. Let's face it, we have all seen presenters who read their slides to you. No one wants to read 30 slides filled with only bullet points. First off most of your audience cannot focus on what your saying and read text at the same time. Secondly all text slides are boring to view, if your going to do that it would be best to give our handouts spare yourself the time. There is a need for text, just

2. Mix things up. On the same theme as not using text. Try using different types of media. PowerPoint lets you embed video, sound, photos and graphics. Use that ability to break up your presentation. Using video and images will help bring your audiences focus back to you. Try not to overdue it, 15 minutes of video during a 20 minute presentation is probably too much.

1. Don't use PowerPoint. There are many alternatives to PowerPoint. Why don't you try something different so your presentation doesn't look like everyone else's. Prezi is my favorite right now, but just the fact your not using PowerPoint may be enough to differentiate yourself from other presenters. Below is a little example of a Prezi that I put together for a little short discussion at our staff meeting.